How Figma Can Save You Time And Money

Yosif Gorelyov
3 min readFeb 9, 2022

Wouldn’t it be great if you could save the hundreds of hours spent building products nobody is willing to pay for?

Or if you could save thousands of dollars on expensive templates and freelance designers?

Well, thanks to features such as Interactive Prototyping and the Community, Figma can help you save both, and I’ll show you how.

(Don’t know what Figma is? It’s probably best you head to their website, as they will explain it better than me. In short, it is a cloud based design tool.)

Interactive Prototyping

One of the holy grails of validating a product is pre-selling it. It would be great if you had people lining up to give you money before you have even started building your product, wouldn’t it? One of the best ways to convince people to pre-purchase is by showing them an interactive prototype.

A prototype is like an image of a website you can interact with. You can click buttons, visit different pages, open/close pop ups… you can think of it as a “fake” website.

Best of all, it’s a fake website you can share with potential clients. Showing people a static mockup is rarely enough to convince them to buy. An interactive model however is a completely different ball game. You can show it to your potential clients, and let their imagination perceive it as the real thing. No doubt about it- they will be much more likely to commit.

But, why should you spend time creating a fake website, instead of working on the real one? By building a prototype, you don’t have to spend hundreds of hours coding your solution (or nocoding it, if that’s your thing), only for no one to care about it.

Instead, creating a prototype first allows for quick product validation, ensuring you don’t focus on weak ideas. You can go from idea to finished model in a matter of hours. This allows you to focus on pitching your solution to clients instead.

It’s a long shot, but If you get enough people to pay you upfront, you don’t even have to build it yourself! Spend that money on a developer who’ll do it for you.

Adapt existing designs to your needs

Let’s face it, you don’t want to be a designer. You most likely want to build a startup to 10k MRR…

or 50k MRR if you’re already at 10k…

Or 100k MRR if you’ve made 50k…

You get my point.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could copy an existing design, made by somebody who knows what they’re doing, and adapt it to your business for free AND legally?

This is where the Figma Community comes in. You can browse thousands of templates made by community members, and most importantly- duplicate and remix/transform any one of them.

From landing pages to dashboards, from invoices to icons, you can find and use anything you need. For free. Let me show you:

Need a landing page? Here you go

Want a dashboard? No worries

Looking for a pitch deck instead? I’ve got you

An invoice for your first closed deal? Of course

I could go on, but you get what I mean.

Sure, if your startup takes off, will you still need to hire somebody to create a design that specifically fits your product? Probably. But, let’s cross that bridge once we get to it. A template will do the trick at the start.

While Figma can seem a bit overwhelming at first, the ROI on learning it is huge. If you’re struggling with using it , drop me a DM and I’ll help you out.

Have you used Figma before? If so, how did you find it?

Thank you for your attention,


